Mon Remonda (2)Full unit name: Mon Remonda (MC80B Mon Calamari Cruiser)
Last updated: 05.11.2022 16:48:54
Basic info
First appearance: The Courtship of Princess Leia
Model: MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
Starship Models
Events: Battle of Mon Calamari
Battle of Mon Calamari
New Republic Era
, Opening Engagement
Opening Engagement
(Battle of Mon Calamari)
New Republic Era
The Mon Remonda was the first Mon Calamari MC80B Star Cruiser
MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
Starship Models
delivered to the New Republic. One of the most advanced and heavily armed vessels in the Alliance fleet, it was commanded by Captain Onoma and served as the flagship of Han Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
's Zsinj-hunting task force. The Mon Remonda participated in the Seizure of Coruscant
, during which it captured the Imperial Star Destroyer
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
Triumph. After the Triumph lost its shields, the Mon Remonda engaged it with turbolaser and ion cannon fire, damaging it enough that assault shuttles were able to safely join in directly attacking it. The Triumph soon lost its power and started sliding back into the Coruscant atmosphere, forcing Onoma to use his tractor beams to pull it along and accelerate its orbit. Some years later, the Mon Remonda served as the Solo Fleet flagship in the search for Warlord Zsinj. Mon Remonda provided enough firepower to foil Zsinj's attempt to capture a second Executor-class Star Dreadnought
Super-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
, the Razor's Kiss, destroying the ship and heavily damaging the warlord's flagship, Iron Fist. Mon Remonda also suffered relatively heavy damage. After repairs at the Fondor Shipyards, it played a pivotal role in the climactic Battle of Selaggis that signaled the end of the campaign. The Mon Remonda carried four squadrons of starfighters. While hunting Zsinj, these included Rogue
Rogue Squadron
Rebel Alliance Navy
, Wraith, Nova and Polearm squadrons. The cruiser continued to serve the New Republic, but was destroyed in the Battle of Calamari
Battle of Mon Calamari
New Republic Era
by the World Devastator
World Devastator
Starship Models
, Silencer-7
(World Devastator)
Named Starships
. Before the vessel went down, it managed to destroy a Star Destroyer and several support craft saving thousands of Mon Calamari
Mon Calamari
Sentient Species
and Quarren
Sentient Species
lives. All hands were lost.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: Mon Remonda (MC80B Mon Calamari Cruiser) Last updated: 05.11.2022 16:48:54